Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reasons Why Women Should Carry Pepper Spray

There are many reasons women should carry pepper spray. Your personal safety is the most important thing. Today you need to think about educating yourself about personal safety, learning moves that might help save your life, become aware, escaping, fighting back, and other things that can help you.
The most important thing you should think about is your personal safety. You should educate yourself about self defense and learn a few basic self defense moves too. Self defense is extremely important and it can cost you your life if you don't know a few basic tips to help you. It is best to learn a few different physical self-defense moves that you can use in any circumstance that you might feel threatened, or if someone makes you feel unsafe or violates your space.
The most important thing is awareness. Many women are not aware of their surroundings at times and this is what costs them their life. It is important to be aware of what is going on around you at all times. When you pull into a parking lot to park the car you should look around for people in front and behind you. Before you choose a spot to park you should look around and see if you see anyone. When you are done shopping and walking back to your car you should be sure you don't see anyone lurking near your vehicle or following you in the parking lot. If you do, act as if you forgot something and walk back to the store. Always be aware of your surroundings and if there are people around you that make you feel uncomfortable you need to do something about it.
The most important thing when you think about personal safety is your 6th sense. Many women often have a bad feeling about something initially and they continue to move forward with what they are doing. If you have a bad feeling about a person or a situation it is important to trust that feeling. Any time that you feel unsafe in a situation you need to remedy your feeling. Your intuition is usually right and if you feel unsafe, even for just a second, you probably are.
An important thing to consider about self defense is that it can take a long time to learn it. Some women consider taking karate classes but this is actually a long-term commitment to really learn the moves. The problem with these classes is that women who take them find that when they are really in an actual dangerous and unsafe situation they do not perform the moves they learned. The time is wasted on the classes and they really don't work. Danger happens fast and you have to be able to react quickly. What you learn in a class doesn't kick in fast enough to actually use until it is beyond the point where you could have used it. The best thing you can do is carry pepper spray on your key ring for your personal protection. This makes it perfect because it is already in your hand and only takes less than two seconds to be able to spray someone with it. There is no thinking involved.
Escaping is important. You don't want a stranger to take you into a dark alley or shove you into the trunk of a car. You may never make it home to your family again. If you are in a public place and a stranger tells you to come with them or they will kill you it is important to yell and fight back now. This will be your only chance. The person most likely won't kill you in public but when they get you wherever it is they want to take you they probably will. Pepper spray is the best way to distract a predator from hurting you in public. You can spray them in the face.
Pepper spray or OC is very distressing to experience which makes it a great self defense weapon. OC will induce coughing, choking and nausea, as well as dilating the eye capillaries resulting in temporary blindness. The mucous membranes will swell to prevent all but life support breathing causing the assailant to be temporarily incapacitated. You will gain precious time to get away safely.
Fighting back is also something you need to consider. You must fight back any time someone touches you and they shouldn't. Shout as loud as you can and make a scene. Break a window and make a scene, if possible. Never let someone try to take you by gun or knife point without a fight. The more of a scene you cause will cause them to actually run away because they don't want to go to jail.
Pepper spray is one of the most important things you can have on you at all times as a woman in the world today. It is a sad truth that you cannot trust your environment anymore. You must be aware of your surroundings at all times. Never let anyone touch you or invade your space and if you feel threatened you can spray them with your pepper spray and use it as a chance to get away. This is the best defense mechanism you can have.

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