Saturday, November 2, 2013

Choosing the right security camera for you

When choosing a security camera you need to take into consideration a few variables before making your purchase, the first would be camera resolution. Cameras are given a tv line or a mega pixel rating, generally your standard camera is 480tvl and can go up to 700tvl, on high definition cameras they range from 1.3 to 5.8 mega pixels. What you have to remember here is that the more tv lines or mega pixels the camera displays not only do you get a better picture but better color quality as well. The Second factor would be the night vision capability in the camera. Night vision capability can range from 20 feet up to 100 feet in a standard camera with a non varifocal, as a general rule most cameras that are rated at 60ft of night vision for example will have a day vision of approximately 70 to 75 feet. The third factor would be choosing between a varifocal or non varifocal lens. In most cases non varifocal lenses are used in your typical home installation, but for those who want a camera specifically focused on a certain area should consider a varifocal lens to get the exact coverage that you are looking for. The fourth and final factor in deciding the best camera for you would be the style, this is more of a preference than actual functionality. Generally speaking on just this topic of a dome versus a bullet camera alone brings up the old Ford versus Chevy debate, some love the look of domes some love the look of bullet style cameras but in the end they all function the same exact way. Hopefully this bit of knowledge can help you out when you choose either your first camera system or when updating your existing system.

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